This section is currently being broken down to a Q&A format to help answer the most commonly asked questions. Properties listed on our website are currently available.
Monday thru Friday 9 AM to 5 PM (Closed for Lunch 1 pm - 2 pm daily)
Please call first to confirm that the property is being shown. UPM staff will need to see your valid government issued I.D. and hold either $10 or a credit card while you have the key checked out. The $10 or credit card will be returned when you bring back the keys. Key check-out time is 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Pets may be allowed on a per unit basis. Please check the property listing for pet information.
If no other approved applications precede yours and the property is ready to move in, we will hold it for you for 2 business days. After 2 days, other applicants may have the opportunity to rent the property.
Rent will be due on the 1st of the month after the prorated month. A late fee may be applied if rent is received 5 days after rent is due.
10535 Anderson Street
Loma Linda CA 92354
Phone: 909-796-2897
"The staff of United Property Management were really helpful getting us into our new home."